Atmospheric optics
Noctilucent cloud links

There are many sites with great photoes of these phenomena, but most of them seem not to be updated too often. However, a few good and active sites show links to proceed and to create your own way through refraction, reflection and diffraction.

Atmospheric optics with a large image gallery and wonderful simulation programs is given by Les Cowley. There is a link page for further path finding.

Mirages and solar distortions are thoroughly explained in the "standard site" by Andrew Young. If you are confused in navigating through the site, this is short cut to solar distortions and green flashes and here is shortcut to mirages. Some general info of mirages is written by me.

Noctilucent clouds (NLC) do not have too many active sites (there are sites which are not maintained), but NLC observers' home page seems to be working OK. There you will find more links.

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